On Stage Now
Coming Up Next
* We attempt to do the live webcast of the Competition in every city. Please understand that sometimes we are limited by the internet capabilities of the venue in which the event is being held. Occasionally we are unable to get a good enough connection from the venue to do the webcast, or the connection is intermittent. Please be assured we do everything possible to produce a seamless webcast. We apologize in advance if you experience any problems.
Health & Safety Guidelines
We are beyond excited to be producing in-person competitions again. In order for us to do so we’ve made several changes. PLEASE READ ALL INFORMATION THOROUGHLY.
Here is what Applause is doing to ensure the health and safety of all dancers and studios attending our events in 2021!
-Arrive 30 minutes ahead of scheduled competing time. You WILL NOT be allowed in earlier as we will be cleaning and sanitizing.
-PPE is required for all attendees. Masks are required at all times by any person who enters the venue area. Any guest violating this requirement will be asked to leave. Please inform your families of the importance of complying with this rule!
-Masks are optional for dancers while on stage Dancers may only remove masks for the live performances. (Please make sure each dancer brings a ziploc bag labeled with his/her name for the mask to be placed in during performances) Dancers must immediately put masks back on after the performance.
-Every studio attending must sign a waiver.
-Temp checks will be taken for anyone attending the event. If any dancers, studio owners, teachers or chaperones are over temp (100.3F or higher) during check in, they will be given several opportunities to cool off. However, if continually tested over temp the venue will not permit admittance into the venue.
-Due to the strict COVID-19 venue restrictions, each venue will vary in total occupancy guidelines; we anticipate being able to allow 2-3 spectators per dancer
-Everyone must immediately leave the dressing room following the last act of your studio.
-NO parents or spectators are allowed in the backstage area.
LIVE STREAM So everyone can enjoy watching the event from the comfort and safety of your own home.
MERCHANDISE Applause is taking preorders for all merchandise that can be picked up at the merchandise area. Please follow the link https://applause-talent.myshopify.com The Merchandise area will be a no-touch display. We will not permit the trying on of our garments. All sales are FINAL. Social distancing will be enforced and encouraged. No congregating in the merchandise area. Please purchase our digital program https://www.applausetalent.com/digital-souvenir or download the Applause app.
-Adjudication awards will be given immediately after performing. Dancers should go to the trophy table (side stage) to get their award.
-Overall awards will be virtual at the end of the competition. Studio owners or representatives may attend. After virtual awards, a studio representative (teacher, parent, etc) may pick up all trophies and plaques.
CONCESSIONS: There will be no concessions or outside food at the event. Water bottles can be brought in.
PHYSICAL DISTANCING: Please keep a physical distance of six feet between yourself and others. Please do not hug, high-five, or shake hands with anyone.
By Attending our event you acknowledge the following:
- I am NOT currently experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms such as dry cough, fever, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chills, sore throat, or new loss of sense of smell and/or taste.
- I do not believe I have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case
of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
- I have not been diagnosed with Coronavirus/COVID-19 and not yet cleared as non-contagious by state or local public health authorities.
- No one in my household has experienced COVID-19 symptoms or tested positive for COVID-19 within the last fourteen (14) days.
- I do not have a pending Covid test.
- I am following all CDC recommended guidelines as much as possible and limiting my
exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
Thank you again for your loyalty and support, we can not wait to WELCOME you back!
“Everyone deserves a round of Applause”